Live-A-Live was a Super Nintendo game originally published by Square in 1994, before they had merged with Enix to become Square Enix. What is Live-A-Live, and why should you care? This isn’t particularly uncommon for games of that era, but now we’re living in the future, and more and more games are being localized.

The thing is, it never actually got localized outside of Japan. But I did some digging and it turns out that yup, this was a pretty big sleeper hit for the Super Nintendo. I’ve been playing games for a long, long time and I was surprised to hear this referred to as a “classic” since I hadn’t heard of it before. Or rather, they showed a trailer for a 2D remake of the game. If you were watching the Nintendo Direct for February 2022, you may have been caught off-guard by a title called “LIVE A LIVE HD-2D remake” that Nintendo showed a trailer for.